The Start of My Career as a Crime Scene Investigator

This blog will allow me to share my experiences and thoughts during my training and development as a Crime Scene Investigator.

Although I have worked for a police force before I have never had any experience of the role of a CSI.

I've been in the role now for just under two months. I'm based with other CSI's who vary in experience. Some have been in the role for almost as many years as I am in age and others not so long. I have a mentor who has been in the role for around 9 years.

I have a very good understanding of the law and how a police force operates.

I know that I am going to see so many things. Some will be odd. Some will be run of the mill and some will be disturbing.

People have asked me how I will deal with the things I will see and my reply is that I will do everything as professionally as possible and not attach myself to the incident. Afterall, this will be work.

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